The Witch's Complete Autumn Compendium - Notes List
Skeleton Polish: A quicksilver mirror reflects plumes of opium smoke surrounding sugared pears, a goblet of emerald-green absinthe and black silk.
Batwing Brew: Delicate seeds of sesame, rich wood-smoked vanilla, buckwheat honey, crystallized ginger root, eye of plumeria and leathery wing of bat.
Cordial of Curiosity: Quivering jellied rose, bitter cranberry, black currant, deep red amber, marjoram and a metallic drop of your lover's blood.
Mischief Mash: A wooden bowl carved by moonlit fae, steel-cut Irish oats, dragon's milk, an ambrosia raisin or two, brown sugar walnuts toasted on a dusty wood stove.
Moon Milk: Crumbs from almond tuiles and lavender sugar dust, one last sip of Fortuna tea leaves left behind in a porcelain cup reveal chilled chiffon cream illuminated by a single flame glinting off the gold filigree.
Unholy water: Barbed wire and rust, sacrificial blood orange, cursed saffron licked by flames of a burning chapel.
Owl Eyes: Ancient Joshua tree, labdanum, golden amber eyes, a toasted sliver of rye bread, intoxicating sticky resin and Arabian myrrh.
Mandrake: Pumpkin vines and flesh, wet cobblestones, toadstools in soft mulch, cinnamon bark, decaying leaves, wild tobacco.
The Green Ribbon: Crushed velvet, roasted pumpkin seeds, creaking sandalwood floorboards, beheaded flower stems, skin musk, lies and deceit.
Click, Click, Slide: Sweet black cherry, lapsang souchong, a still warm hearth, Peru Balsam, Cherry cognac, powdered tonka bean.
The Graveyard Shift: black coffee spiked with whiskey, wet dirt underfoot, clove cigarettes, a sticky, warm cinnamon bun, the distant sound of a ringing bell.
Woman in White: Juniper, white sage, Heather, a blueberry bush drenched in evening dew, soft fur, sweet pea.
Thirteenth Hour: Powdered henna, black chai tea, saffron, cauldron iron, bleached bone, a broken wax seal, a trapdoor hidden under dry hay.