Monthly Animals - Notes List


October (3/3) 2019 

Desmondus Rotundus

(Vampire Bat)

Fiery gumballs, peach keys and fruit punch spiked with copper.


October (2/3) 2019 


(Paleocene Owl)

Heaps of fresh candy corn, burnt brown sugar, and autumn air.


October (1/3) 2019 

Nigrum Cattus

(Black Cat)

Sour Gummy Worms, Twist of key lime and lemon soda.


June (1/2) 2019 

Bombus pensylvanicus

(American Bumblebee)

Foxglove nectar, red clover, dusty pollen and a hint of spiced honey


May (2/2) 2019 

Lithobates Palustris

(Pickerel Frog)

Night blooming jasmine, wet grass, algae, and tomato leaf


May (1/2) 2019 

Stultus apparuit postquam elevatus


Earl grey tea, energetic citrus, sweet cyclamen and quick pawprints in soft dirt


April (1/2) 2019 

Erethizon Dorsatum 


Wet musk, morning dew, broken twigs and flower buds


March (2/2) 2019 



Bright yellow daisies, wild rose, field grass and juniper berry


March (1/2) 2019 



Wild blueberries, wet garden mud, nag champa and vintage musk


February (2/2) 2019 

Puma Concolor

(mountain lion)

Wild cilantro, waterfalls and jolly ranchers candy 


February (1/2) 2019

Procyon Lotor


Fleshy nectarine, pink grapefruit, cotton candy and bergamot


January 2019

Alces Spiritus

(spirit moose) 

Crystal lavender, frozen fern and dried winter spices 


September 2018 

Selasphorus Calliope

(calliope hummingbird)

Foxglove Nectar, Honeysuckle and fresh maple leaves 


August (2 of 2) 2018

Danaus Plexippus 

(monarch butterfly)

Snow cones with simple black cherry syrup and pink dusty prairie flowers


August (1 of 2) 2018

Ursus Americanus

(american black bear)

Ripe wet blueberries, sweet herbal honey and blue juniper


July (2 of 2) 2018 

Lutra Canadensis 

(river otter)

Soothing chai tea with zesty and energetic house tangerine oil. Playful yet warm and inviting!


July (1 of 2) 2018

Chelydra Serpentina

(snapping turtle)

Refreshing Japanese peppermint with oceanic green tea accord 

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